Summer 2017.
Always when I plan for the perfect summer life overtakes my plans and has its own path for me to take into the unknown. Taking a step back and listening to my inner self sometimes helps. I spent a lot of time in my studio this summer coming up with new ideas for my work and goals. Is it too late to set my self new goals? My studio Is my refuge, I realized it's what makes me, me. Its the only place i can design, mess up and still be able to create in my space. I am greateful that I have a place that relaxes my inner self.
I have a few shows coming up this Fall. The Galaxy of Glass opens up in two weeks at the Fallbrook Art Center in FallBrook CA.The show features 26 Regional artists and its a great show! Hope to see you there. My Fall 2017 collection pieces will also to available to purchase at the show and shortly after they will be available at AmazonPrime.
As always Appreciate all the support I have got from you, Sometimes just a word of encouragemeant helps. Funny how even likes to a post can cheer you up. Hope you have a great rest of summer!